Project Queen II Read online

  Project Queen 2

  Payback with a Vengeance

  Project Queen 2

  Payback with a Vengeance



  Published by

  Edit Again Publications

  Project Queen II © 2010 by Teresa D. Patterson. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2010937467 ISBN-13: 978-0-9826570-4-1


  I want to personally thank Readers in Motion Book Club ( I appreciate you all taking time out to read Project Queen II and offering suggestions and feedback that has been very helpful. Also, thank you for accepting me into the RIM family with open arms. You all are the best and I appreciate your realness.

  So this is for the RIM Review Team: Kim McRae (RIM President), Minah Diggs (Vice President), Kecia Cox, and Ambriea Harris.

  As always, I thank my number one fan and best friend, whom I’ve known since the tenth grade, Bobby Yi. I love you Cricket! Keep your head up.

  Much love and appreciation to my family: my mom, Nadine Patterson, my brothers Chris and Mike Patterson, and my babies, Jabari and Lil Rodney.


  Vivian could finally exhale, grateful that she had some time to herself. The twins, Rasheda and Rameyra, were at school, and the nanny had taken Richard Jr. to Romper Room, where he could play until his little heart was content. She knew that Richard was home, his book touring over for the time being. She had no idea where her sister Della was, though.

  She frowned, thinking about the sister that she’d gotten to know over the past two years. After her mother’s arrest, her absentee father, Jimmy Byrts, crawled out of the woodworks. He had a huge skeleton in his closet: an illegitimate daughter.

  She opened her home to Della and tried to be a mentor and a big sister to her. It didn’t take long before she realized that Della was too much to handle. She didn’t care about anything except partying, having fun, and sleeping with a bunch of men. Vivian didn’t know what to do about her. She asked her several times not to have strange men in the house, but Della ignored her, doing whatever she wanted.

  After catching her in the Jacuzzi in some

  uncompromising positions, Vivian had enough. She informed her baby sister that she had to go. She thought that Richard backed her on the decision one hundred percent. However, a few hours later, he convinced Vivian to let Della stay a while longer. With some reservations, she’d relented.

  Surprisingly, Della calmed down. Vivian no longer stepped into her living room wondering if she’d witness an orgy taking place. No more strange men greeted her in passing as she walked down the hallway. She could breathe a bit easier not having to worry about the children seeing something they shouldn’t. It was a relief.

  She finished folding and putting away the load of laundry she’d washed, wondering where Richard was. She hadn’t seen him all morning and she felt up to fooling around. It had been months since they’d been intimate. Either he was away on tour or she was always too tired when he wanted to make love. Today, she’d make up for holding out, if only she could find him.

  She glanced out the window and saw his Land Rover parked in the driveway.

  Maybe he’s in the den writing his next best-selling novel, she thought.

  Sometimes Richard isolated himself to write, and became grumpy if she bothered him. If he was shut up in the den, she wouldn’t disturb him. She knew how irritable authors could get. You couldn’t break their thought flow, or it could make them moody for days.

  She checked the den and found it empty. He wasn’t in their bedroom either. Checking the weight-room, she found that deserted as well.

  Where is he?

  On intuition, she went upstairs, and turned the knob to Della’s room. Della wasn’t there, but her Coach purse rested on the bed. Vivian was getting ready to step back out when she heard a deep male’s voice followed by Della’s squeals of pleasure. She had to be in the bathroom with someone.

  Vivian’s temper flared. Hadn’t she told that girl not to bring anyone into her home? It was past the point of being disrespectful. She wasn’t going to ignore it, and whether or not Richard agreed or disagreed, Della had to go.

  I know this bitch isn’t fucking somebody up in my house when I told her that I wasn’t going for that shit? If she can’t follow the rules, she has to leave. I can’t take this shit anymore. She moves in here and decides it’s okay to turn my home into a whorehouse. I don’t think so.

  She walked briskly to the door and tapped on it. The two were too loud or too involved to hear her knocks. She turned the knob, finding it unlocked. She flung the door opened and gasped at the sight.


  “No. This can’t be happening,” she whispered, horrified. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from her husband’s dark chocolate torso fused with Della’s caramel colored one. She felt like charging forward and bludgeoning them to death with a blunt object. “You no good motherfucker,” she swore. “How could you? And you-” she glared at her naked, shameless sister who straddled her husband.

  “Vivian, I can explain,” Richard said, but his words fell on deaf ears. Vivian’s stony eyes burned into Della’s. She felt something akin to hatred bubble up inside her.

  “Get you whorish ass out of my house. Get out right now before I forget we’re related and fuck your ass up.”

  Chapter One

  “Let’s R. Kelly this bitch. Turn her over. Get a good picture, man. Zoom in on this.”

  Della, sprawled across the bed, felt nauseous. Downstairs, she heard her sister Shae arguing with her husband, Larry. It was most likely about her. Where ever she went, trouble always seemed to follow.

  “Did you get a shot of that, man? Zoom in again. Turn that ass back around.”

  Della moaned aloud and held the sides of her head. “Stop,” she said aloud. But, the voices wouldn’t listen.

  “St. Pete’s Bitches Gone Wild! You heard?”

  She remembered a lot of laughter and hands all over her body, touching…feeling…groping. Hot, heavy breathing, mouths, lips kissing and sucking her, tongues licking her. Her legs spread wide apart. Fingers thrusting in and out. Men on top of her. One, two then three of them...inside her.

  “What the fuck?” She sat up and the room spun.

  She tried, but couldn’t remember much more. The events that had transpired the night before were groggy. She felt sick to her stomach. She stood up and winced when she felt a sharp pain between her legs.

  “Ouch. Damn. What the hell happened to me last night?”

  She’d been invited to a house party. She could recall talking and flirting with a guy named Paul. As the night progressed, they’d gone into a back bedroom. Afterwards, Paul left and the rest of them had continued to party and have a good time. Drinks had been made and Marijuana passed around. The rest of the night became a blur.

  Even though she couldn’t remember exactly what happened, it couldn’t have been good. Not with the way she felt. It was like someone or something had probed all of her openings. There was a stinging sensation in both her vagina and anus. Her mouth even felt sore and bruised.

  Shae and Larry’s argument grew louder causing Della’s head to throb. Why in the hell had she moved in with them? She knew it was time to find the next victim. Once again, she’d overstayed her welcome.
/>   Two and a half years ago, she’d found out from her father, Jimmy Byrts, that she had sisters and brothers. Jimmy lived a secret life for many years. He didn’t think it was important for her to know her siblings until he learned that his ex-wife had tried to kill them. The guilt forced him to come clean about it all.

  Della hadn’t wasted any time getting to know her siblings. Actually, she didn’t give a shit about bonding or family ties. Her main intent was to use them as much as she could. Even though they’d grown up poor in the projects, they’d managed to make good lives for themselves. Vivian was a college professor and her husband a best-selling author. Shae was a bank manager, with a high-paid artist for a husband. Even Toby had money, though the way he made it wasn’t conventional. He was known on the block as Big Tobe. Whatever you needed to get high, he had it. If he didn’t, he knew where to get it.

  She victimized her oldest sister, Vivian, first. It worked for a while. She had it made, lounging around in Viv’s huge, luxurious house, swimming in the heated pool, relaxing in the Jacuzzi, eating whatever she wanted, sleeping all day and fucking all night. She got too comfortable, thinking that she had Vivian and Richard wrapped around her finger. She had…until Vivian had caught her one time too many sneaking men out of her bedroom.

  “Girl, you have got to go,” Vivian told her the morning after she got busted entertaining two men in the outside Jacuzzi. One had his face buried between her thighs, and she was giving the other a blowjob. “I can’t have you in my house, around my children, doing God knows what. I don’t need them picking up on your bad habits.”

  “Viv,” she whined. “Please. I won’t do it anymore. I promise.”

  “No. I won’t fall for it this time, Della. You have until the end of the week to move back with Jimmy, or find somewhere else to stay.”

  “Charles and Chris live with Jimmy. They have my old room.” She pouted as if it would help her plead her case.

  “That’s not my problem.” Vivian remained firm, not falling for the manipulation tactics. “Besides, Jimmy has a guest room. You can sleep there.”

  “But I don’t want to live with Daddy. He’s old fashioned. He won’t let me do nothing,” she complained.

  “Like I said, it’s not my problem. You are too hot in the ass. I don’t like having strangers in my house. Even though I’ve told you that time after time, you keep bringing different men here. Look, I’m glad I got the chance to know you. You’re not a bad person. You’re just irresponsible, hardheaded, and too fast for your own good. You have worn out your welcome.” She got ready to leave the room, but turned around. “And don’t even think about trying to sweet-talk Richard. We decided on this together. He’s in agreement with me, and you won’t be able to change his mind.”

  That’s what she’d thought. Della knew exactly what to do about Richard. He was walking around with major blue balls because Vivian wasn’t fucking him like she should. She could understand that her dear sister had to work and be a mother. Maintaining was hard, especially having twins and a toddler. But, Vivian left the door open for the clean-up woman to walk right in. Della was that clean up woman; stilettos, feather duster, fishnet stockings, hot pussy and all.

  She found Richard in the den, sucked him off and rode his dick for over an hour. It allotted her another six months of sponging off her sister, rent-free.

  Richard dicked her down on a regular basis so she didn’t have to worry about being kicked out. The shit hit the fan when Vivian walked in on them one morning. They were getting busy on the bear-skinned rug in her bathroom. She thought Vivian was going to murder them on the spot. Instead, she threw them both out. From what Della heard, they were still trying to repair their marriage. No one in the family knew that she was the cause of the breakup. Vivian was too embarrassed to reveal it to anyone.

  She shouldn’t have stopped fucking him , Della thought. Of course she should feel some remorse because that was her sister, but she didn’t. She was all about self and having her pussy purr.

  She had no sympathy for Shae either. She’d fuck Larry in a heartbeat if he was even remotely interested. He all but ignored her when she flounced around him half-dressed. Shae had him pussy-whipped even though she treated him like shit.

  She’d tried living with Jimmy after Vivian kicked her out, but she couldn’t stand it. Jimmy treated her like a baby, not letting her go anywhere. When she did leave the house, she had a curfew. She didn’t dare sneak anyone in after-hours because Jimmy would probably shoot first, and ask questions later. She just couldn’t get fucked the way she wanted to with her father breathing down her neck all the time. If she did manage to invite someone over, Charles and Chris got in the way of anything popping off. She’d had to get away. She chose her next set of victims: Shae and Larry.

  Della had no problem convincing most people to give her whatever she wanted. She was a bi-racial beauty, petite, with curves in all the right places. She had an amazing smile that could melt the coldest heart. She could be the sweetest person when she wanted to be, especially when she turned on the charm.

  After hearing her sob story, of course Shae agreed to let her move in. Maybe she wanted to play big sister just like Vivian had. Della wasn’t with that corny shit. Yes, they had the same daddy, but that wasn’t enough to bond them. Plus, she’d be damned if she listen to Shae any more than she’d listened to Vivian. No one told her what she could and could not do. She’d ride the waves as long as the waters remained calm.

  Once again, she lived high on the hog. Shae and Larry’s house wasn’t as luxurious as Vivian and Richard’s. She couldn’t expect everyone to have a Jacuzzi and heated pool. Shae and Larry’s sadity asses had a swing set in the backyard. A freaking swing set—what black people put shit like that in their yards?

  She’d just have to make do. At least she had her own room with an adjourning bathroom. Plus, she didn’t have to come out her pockets with one red cent. She could live with that.

  At first, things went smoothly and would have probably continued that way if Toby didn’t live with them, too. He put his nose in her damn business, caught on to her late night encounters, and called her on them. She’d tried to win him over, but it hadn’t worked. She’d even gone so far as to crawl into his bed and try to convince him that way. He’d slapped her so hard that she thought he’d broken her jaw.

  “I’m your fucking brother bitch. You nasty, slutty ho. What the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t ever try that shit again.”

  She remembered how angry Toby had been and laughed aloud. At least her brother had some morals and wasn’t led by his dick. That was more than she could say about most men.

  She didn’t care what people thought of her. She would live her life the way she saw fit. If they didn’t like it, they could kiss her ass. That included her family.

  She found the remote to the stereo and turned it on, trying to block out Shae and Larry. She wished they’d shut the fuck up. Lately, all they did was argue.

  Della had it figured out. Shae was bitchy all the time because Larry wasn’t fucking her. Even though he presented himself as Mr. Straight and Narrow, he wasn’t to be trusted. As long as he was a man, he was sure to have character flaws. She would bet her sexiest red thong that Larry was cheating.

  Her headache persisted so she lay back down. Lester’s twisted face floated behind her closed eyelids. Whatever happened to her, he’d been behind it.

  She had to find out what went down at that party. She’d made a huge mistake hanging around Lester. He was a sleazy, crooked motherfucker. He’d been involved in all types of foul activity, including being a pimp. He even got arrested for messing around with under-aged girls, and had to register as a sex offender. His criminal record hadn’t deterred him though. He still managed to convince gullible teens to give up the goods, offering them false promises of money and fame. He profited off of preying on the naïve and innocent.

  She knew one thing: Lester better not have pulled any slick shit with her. If she ever found out h
e had, there would be hell to pay.

  Chapter Two

  How the fuck is she going to try me like this?” Larry thought. There was a look of fury on his handsome face. He stared at Shae in disbelief as he pushed his plate to the side, appetite ruined by their argument. “I can’t believe you’d accuse me of some shit like that, Shae. That’s your baby sister. And she’s a fucking child. What the hell would I want with a child?” He stood up to take his plate to the sink.

  “She’s damn near twenty, hardly a child. You haven’t been fucking me lately, so you must be fucking somebody,” Shae retorted.

  “So, now I gotta damn-near be a pedophile on top of being a cheater?” He was so angry, he threw the plate at the sink, missing. The plate shattered and food fell to the floor, but he didn’t care. He turned toward his wife, eyes flashing.

  “Damn, Shae, what the fuck did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? I’ve been nothing but good to you and your brothers. And this is the thanks I get. You give me your ass to kiss. I swear-” He shook his head. “If it wasn’t for Imani, I’d just pack up my shit and go.”

  “You’re welcomed to do just that. Don’t think that you have to stick around because of the baby. I’ll do fine raising her on my own,” she said angrily, grabbing the broom to sweep up his mess.

  “You’re a damn lie. I bet the first thing you’d do is run to the nearest child support office. It’s all about you and what you want. It’s always been like that and I’m sick of it.” “And I’m sick-”

  Their conversation was interrupted when Toby charged into the house, slamming the door behind him.

  “That’s fucked up,” he swore.

  Larry and Shae headed into the living room, argument forgotten for the time being.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Shae asked.

  Toby stood six-feet three. His was light in complexion with broad, buff shoulders and arms. It was obvious he worked out frequently. His handsome features were contorted with anger.